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Basic Budget

Learn how to create a basic budget in Finout's app

Updated over a week ago

The basic budget is the option to create a one-level basic budget by choosing a specific budget level based on a selected time period and group value.

How to create a basic budget

  1. Navigate to Budgets.

  2. Click New budget.

3. Click Basic Budget.

4. Enter a Budget name.

5. Select a time period. This defines the time period you can set the budget for. If you select the current year or quarter, the budget amount is automatically set for all the months in the period.

6. Select the required Budget group option. The total cost of the previous month appears for each of the budgets, assisting you when specifying the budgets. Enter the budget amount per budget group value.

7. (Optional) Select Auto populate budget to populate the budget values with the total cost of the previous month.

8. (Optional) Turn off (or on) to hide (or show) a budget group.

9. The Budget alert is automatically turned on. Should the forecasted cost surpass the set budget, an alert is generated and displayed on the Anomaly page. If necessary, you have the option to deactivate the budget alert.

10. Click Create. The budget is created for the specified period.

How to edit a basic budget

  1. Select Budgets.

  2. Click the required Basic budget.

  3. In the required budget line item, click the three dots and select Edit inline.

4. Make the required changes, pressing TAB to jump to the next cell (or SHIFT+TAB to return to the previous cell).

5. Click Save or press Enter.

6. To view the budget on the MegaBill page, click and select Go To MegaBill. This enables you to further investigate the cost of the budget and see more granular data related to the budget.

For any questions, please reach out to the Finout team.

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