Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) in Finout

As modern organizations grow and diversify, managing who can perform each task and access what data and systems becomes an increasingly complex challenge. Traditional methods of manually managing user permissions on an individual basis not only become time-consuming but also introduce multiple pathways for errors and potential security risks. This is where Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), comes into play. RBAC is a systematic approach to managing and granting permissions based on roles within an organization.

RBAC is based on the principle that permissions should be granted according to a user's role in an organization rather than the individual user. By assigning permissions to roles and then roles to users, organizations can ensure a consistent application of access policies, streamlining administration, and enhancing security.

Within Finout, RBAC stands as a pivotal feature. By granting specific permissions based on user roles, RBAC enhances Finout's security, ensuring only authorized individuals make crucial FinOps, financial, and operational decisions. By aligning user roles with specific permissions, RBAC in Finout establishes a professional framework for reliable and efficient cloud cost management, emphasizing the critical principles of accountability, transparency, and control.

Finout implements two major components of RBAC:

  • Role permissions categorize users and this allows you to assign permissions to users based on their role within the organization. Security is more easily maintained by using roles as there is no need to assign permissions at the user level. Users may be assigned more than one role, in which case they accumulate all the permissions from their assigned roles.

  • Data access control allows you to assign users to one or more groups to provide them access to only the data they require (and limit their access to any other data). Each group has a filter applied to it, providing access to a subset of the data in the organization. Users have access to all the data across the groups they belong to.

Note: Access control list (ACL) in the roadmap for future release.

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