List Cost
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Last updated
List Cost shows the public pricing for your cloud resources, reflecting what you would have paid without any discounts, commitments, or Enterprise Discount Plans. It uses the baseline retail price of services, offering a clear and unbiased view of your cloud spend. This empowers you to take control of your cloud expenses by providing clear, actionable insights based on public pricing data.
What are the benefits of List Cost?
Benchmark Costs: See the raw, unadjusted pricing of your cloud usage.
Simplify Analysis: Understand the true value of your resources without financial manipulations such as Reserved Instances (RIs), promotions, or commitment plans.
Improve Accountability: Evaluate cost anomalies and missed savings opportunities due to lack of coverage or unused resources.
How does it work?
Finout calculates List Cost by sourcing public pricing data from each provider:
AWS: Based on the column pricing_public_on_demand_cost.
GCP: Based on the column cost_at_list.
Add List Cost to your view to analyze your cloud spend at its raw retail value without the noise of discounts or commitments.
Navigate to any cost-related view in Finout and choose List Cost as the cost type.
Dashboards / Widgets
Data Explorer
Q: Where can I see List Cost in Finout?
A: List Cost is available across all cost-related views in Finout, including:
Dashboards / Widgets
Data Explorer
Q: Why is List Cost missing or displayed as null for a Cost Center?
A: To maintain a consistent user experience, List Cost will not appear in certain application features if unsupported by a Cost Center but will be displayed as null in Data Explorer. However, to ensure a consistent user experience, List Cost will not appear in certain application features if it is unsupported by a Cost Center; however, it will be displayed as null in Data Explorer.